A 4-month private 1:1 coaching experience to help ambitious business owners & client facing professionals create an executive brand presence using the ABCDs of Personal Branding to attract premium opportunities consistently.

What if you could turn your image into a currency magnet for your business?

I know you’re an incredibly smart, impact driven professional dedicated to changing lives with your work (while up-leveling yours in the process).

You are ready to get more eyes on you, catapult your income to the next level and become the go-to expert in your industry.

But the painful reality is, you’re having a hard time getting the right people to notice you, see you as the ONLY choice and get excited to hire you!

The reason?

Your online and offline image simply does not match the level of your expertise. Hence, despite being so good at what you do, you end up getting overlooked.

Listen! I get how it feels. But trust me when I say this…
It doesn’t have to be this way!



Then it’s time to unlock your next level image that draws people in and positions your brand as the ONLY CHOICE. 

Because believe it or not, the first thing that catches attention in a crowded feed or a room full of people is your IMAGE.

So, if you can make people turn their head or stop the scroll, you’ve won the game already! 



  1. Command the room with confidence 
  2. Close 6 and 7-figure deals with conviction
  3. Catapult your brand to the next level

Introducing the Profitable Image Formula™

Designed to help ambitious, impact-driven business-owners (AKA You) upgrade your online and offline image so you can attract premium opportunities, close high-end deals, and take your business and brand to the next level.

When you unlock your most profitable image, you:  

  • Exude confidence on social media, your website and even in-person, and that confidence acts as a currency-magnet for you.


  • Get taken seriously and position yourself as an expert in your industry (re: guest speaking opportunities, high-level collaborations, lots of media & press, more YES’s).


  • Enhance your perceived value (aka, authority) so you are easily able to work with premium clients at premium prices.


  • Make more money – the kind of money that lets you take a luxury vacation to your favorite destination and send 5 figure checks to the charities you support.

What You’ll Get:

 Bi-weekly One-Hour Private Coaching Calls with me to uncover your personal brand and create a cohesive strategy around that

A Soul-Aligned Creative Direction for your image and upgrading your social media profiles to match that

VIP Shopping Day including Grooming & Style appointments so you can actually look the part and become a match for your next level

Personal Style Lookbook to unleash your inner charisma (Completely Done For You)

A Fitness Coaching Session with a Personal Trainer/Nutritionist so you don’t just “look” good but “feel” good too

A Jaw-Dropping Brand Photoshoot to stop that scroll and get the attention you deserve on social media

A LinkedIn Rebrand so your whole brand is in alignment and you get seen + heard as a thought leader

Customized Worksheets & Exercises that’s fun to work on and help you explore yourself 

Audio & Video Lessons to equip you with strategies 7-figure brands use to magnetize + monetize 

Voxer & Email Support (Mon-Fri) – it’s like having me in your back pocket for full 4 months as your personal stylist and brand guide

We’ll spend 4 months working intimately to:


Step 1: Unlock Your 2.0 Vision to Become Unstoppable

 Rewire your mindset and craft your 2.0 vision of what you want to create for yourself, your business and your life so you can start to think, feel and act like your future power player self NOW.


  • Learn to unlock the 2.0 vision you have for yourself and your business.
  • Reset your mindset to start stepping into the 2.0 version of yourself now.
  • Create your impact plan and break it down into actionable steps to master achieving your goals in less time.

Step 2: Find Your Secret Weapon Style

Rebuild your body and then refresh your wardrobe to get you looking and feeling your best in order to show up in the world aligned with that new 2.0 vision. 


  • Step up your style game and craft your 007  look.
  • Build a killer wardrobe (your best styles, colors, and fits) that reflects your new 2.0 self.
  • Let’s put it all together and have you looking sharper (and smarter) than ever.

Step 3: Develop Killer Confidence

Learn to embody magnetic energy to develop killer confidence and start attracting more lucrative opportunities into your business with ease.


  • Learn how to rock your new look with confidence.
  • Emit high-vibe energy that instantly attracts people towards you.
  • My personal process of connecting in order to attract more premium clients & opportunities with your new found confidence.

Step 4: Craft an Irresistible Personal Brand Image

Overhaul your personal brand image, LinkedIn profile, website and your messaging to create a 7 figure personal brand both online and offline. 


  • We’ll work on optimizing your personal profiles to reflect a 7 figure brand image.
  • Craft powerful messaging that positions you as the stand out choice in your industry.
  • Get good at increasing revenue and profits just by being more YOU.

Step 5: Develop Your Magnetic Presence

Learn to amplify your attractiveness by sharpening your virtual presence including your body language, eye contact, voice, and tone to show up in the virtual world with more gravitas and position yourself as the go-to expert.


  • How to create an impactful and influential virtual presence.
  • Amplify your visibility and become the go-to expert online and offline. 
  • Sharpen your communication skills to instantly connect with high-end buyers, investors and companies.


Bonus #1

Access to my vault of cheat sheets and how-to guides that literally walk you through step by step everything you need to know about style, colors, fits and fabrics for every wearing occasion.

Bonus #2

Receive exclusive discounts on my premium brand partners that I have personally secured as your image expert so you can access some of the best fashion brands in New York City at a discounted price.

Bonus #3

Attend all my workshops for free! These are zero fluff trainings where I teach my expert strategies and give actionable tips that you can immediately implement into your business and increase your long term earning potential. 

Hey, I’m Tavia! Your go-to Brand Image Strategist…

I help ambitious, career-driven men and women just like you create their magnetic 2.0 image so they look and feel like the next level CEO they know they are.

I believe having a profitable image both online and offline is the X factor for you to magnetize everything you want in life.

Over the past 10 years as an Image Consultant and Personal Brand Strategist in NYC, I’ve been helping my clients with…

  • Confidence to communicate a better salary

  • Close more clients because they trust you

  • Having better conversations because you look the part

  • Banking more commission because everything about you screams professional

  • Being taken seriously as a leader not just a hobbyist

  • Speaking with authority and showing up like you mean it

Look, you might already be getting decent results on your own, but you’re not crushing it in the way you want to be.

There’s a whole other level with your name on it and I know I can help you get there and feel damn confident doing so!


Whether it’s a Zoom room or the boardroom, everyone gets whiplashed because they know you’re bringing it. You command that room with your energy, confidence and style.

It’s your one big shot to nail your pitch for that next round of funding and you seal the deal because you are confidently leading from the driver seat.

You are closing 5 and 6 figure deals on the regular because you have the look and the feel of a successful power player that people naturally want to buy from.

This is for you if…

  • You have a big vision and want to make your mark in the world. 
  • You’re an action taker, an implementer and you’re always looking for ways to improve yourself. 
  • You invest in your growth because you know what it takes to get to the next level and you understand that working with a coach is the difference between coasting by and playing full out in life.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You secretly like to hang out on the sidelines.
  • You buy a ton of programs but never actually implement any of the strategies.
  • You take zero responsibility for your results.

Ready to let your image build your authority and increase your influence, income & impact? 

Book a call to find out if this program is the right fit
for you: 

P.S. You might be thinking “But I just need to up my marketing game” or maybe “I need to implement that new sales system” and I’ll be all good.

But the reality is… 

It’s not about your marketing, your advertising budget or your sales systems. That’s just ONE part of growing your business. When you have a SOLID image, premium opportunities come running to you (instead of you running after them). 

So whether you realize it or not, ignoring your image is leaking profits in your business. 

Do you look the part of someone who handles AND closes 6 figure deals on the regular?

Book your Image Accelerator Call to find out!