5 ways to cut the crap from your closet

by | Apr 8, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Spring is officially upon us! 

If you’re anything like me, it’s time to swap out those heavy Winter clothes hanging in the closet for your warmer weather gear. 

Now is also a great time to review the items you didn’t wear last year and declutter so you can create an easy, functional wardrobe that’s a match for what you want to attract this year. 

To help guide you in this process, I’m sharing the questions I go through with my clients when we are reviewing their closets for the season!

So, let’s go ahead and get started… 

1. Does it serve you?

Ask yourself: does this item make you feel good when you’re wearing it? Does it highlight your best self? Do you get compliments on it? If you’re answer is “no”, then it’s time let it go.  

2. Does it match with at least 3 other garments in your closet?

A streamlined wardrobe will make getting dressed everyday a breeze. Instead of assigning each item a specific role, try to imagine how that item can match with other items in your wardrobe. I call this style re-mixing. I love creating fresh, new styles from things you already have hanging in your closet!

3. Will you wear it again this season?

Okay, be honest with yourself on this one. If you’ve been holding onto an item in hopes that maybe, someday you’ll wear it again when you lose weight or when you have the right occasion, it’s just taking up space and it’s time to let go. Invest in items that highlight your best self now.

4. Is it in the best shape or style?

Does it have obvious wear and tear, ex: holes, tears, fading, stains, baggy or saggy? Then it’s time for an upgrade. The style part might not be so obvious to you but my advice, if you’ve had it for 5 years or longer (the majority of men do!) and either the fit or style of the garment is unflattering on you, then goes in the donation pile.

5. Does it have sentimental value? 

Whether it’s an old varsity t-shirt or a gift from someone special, limit these items to one drawer. If a family member gifted you an item that doesn’t fit or it’s just not your style, why hold onto it? Trust me, they won’t even remember giving it to you. Donate it!

If you’re looking for more personalized help to cut the crap from your closet, book a Spring Closet “Tune up” Session with me!

This is an in-person closet audit session to review what’s working and what’s not working in your wardrobe, here’s what you’ll get: 

  •  Learn what styles & colors work best for you and your exact size (most men are wearing the wrong fit).*
  • I will go through your closet and advise on what to toss, keep, donate or update for a better, more flattering fit and style. 
  • I will “shop your closet” and create 15 complete head-to-toe outfits, photograph each one and you will receive a digital Lookbook of all your newly customized looks which you can download straight to your smartphone.
  • You’ll receive a checklist of the top 10 items missing from your wardrobe including accessories along with brands/stores to shop. 
  • My professional organizer will also be on hand to organize your wardrobe items and get your closet clutter free for the season.
  • After the appointment, I will drop off any donated items to your local donation site.
  • *Includes Fit Analysis: Measurements will be taken during our session to learn your exact size and fit.

Your Style Re-mix Master, 

>>> P.S. Got questions? Schedule your FREE 20 min consultation call today!


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